Hey All,
The blog here is about CrossFit, I'll try to post as much as possible about interesting articles i have read, my workouts, and just interesting stuff I find out about to do with fitness, nutrition and life in general :) stay tuned.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, 24 September 2010

3 Rounds For Time:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Rock Deadlifts
10 Box Jumps Approx 36-40 inch

Time: 10:02

Kind of annoyed I didn't finish sub ten but oh well I was happy with my muscle ups first ten unbroken, then two sets of 5, and last round was kind of atrocious and I had to redo the last one :(
Deadlifts were using a rock because of two reasons:
1. I do not have sufficient weights at home to do deadlifts.
2. Oddly shaped objects are harder to lift than uniform ones. This is important because when doign manual labor there are a lot of objects with uneven weight distribution and the point of CrossFit is to do "Functional Movements."

Muscle Ups.

These are great points on muscle up technique although for proper range of motion at the bottom your arms must be straight and you must turn the rings away from yourself, also reffered to as "Turn out lock out"